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Gawith Hoggarth Mixtures - Balkan Mixture

Regular price £11.00

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24 in stock


Gawith Hoggarth Mixtures - Balkan Mixture

This Balkan Mixture was designed to fill the void that had been created when the Sobranie Balkan Mixture was pulled from the market. A blend of aromatic Oriental tobacco and Cyprian Latakia, that brings together the rich earthy nose of Latakia with the spice and woodiness of the Oriental tobaccos. A classic style made to a classic recipe not for the faint haearted and a room note that sends non smokers fleeing this is a fantastic blend of tobacco.
  • Strength: 3/5
  • Flavouring: 0/5 None
  • Taste: 3/5
  • Cut: Ready Rubbed
  • Room Note: 2/5
  • Content:  Virginia, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish

Gawith Hoggarth

Established in Kendal during the mid 1800s, Gawith Hoggarth manufactures the finest tobaccos and snuffs using the highest quality raw materials available. In many instances using the original machinery from its factory's formative years.