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New Zealand Whisky

New Zealand Whisky

New Zealand’s whisky scene is on the rise. Not for the first time either, but this time it’s being built to last, with upstart distilleries making quality, distinctively Kiwi spirits, and an infrastructure of bars, shops and whisky-drinking consumers in place. Perhaps it’s not a surprise that whisky is finding a home in New Zealand – it’s an island nation with a temperate climate, and a population with a great deal of British roots as a former colony. New Zealand and the United Kingdom are even nearly the same size.

Cardrona "Just Hatched" New Zealand Single Malt

Cardrona "Just Hatched" New Zealand Single Malt

Cardrona Otago Pinot Cask

Cardrona Otago Pinot Cask

Rose Rabbit Orange - New Zealand Single Malt Liqueur

Rose Rabbit Orange - New Zealand Single Malt Liqueur