Joya de Nicaragua Rosalones Reserva RR550
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Joya de Nicaragua Rosalones Reserva RR550
The Rosalones Reserva distinguishes itself from standard cigars with its exceptional craftsmanship and superior performance. Originally conceived as an accessible brand, it has evolved into a sophisticated choice, embodying both the romantic allure of a rose and the striking edge of its thorns. This cigar represents an elevated expression of authentic, affordable Nicaraguan flavor, achieved through a meticulous selection of premium tobaccos. It offers a refined and elegant experience, perfectly capturing the essence of Nicaragua.
Flavor Profile: A harmonious blend of woody tones complemented by nuanced spicy notes.
- Size: 5"
- Ring Gauge: 50
- Strength: Medium
- Vitola: Robusto
- Country: Nicaragua
- Wrapper: Nicaragua Habano Criollo Colorado
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Filler: Nicaragua
Joya De Nicaragua
Founded by two Cuban expats who moved to Nicaragua in ordered to set up shop in Esteli in 1968. with access to the rich local tobacco growing fields utilizing the fertility of volcanic soils. The christened there brand as the Nicaragua Cigar Company the brand eventually re branded as Joya de Nicaragua. The brand has had near constant exposure starting when in 1970 the brand became the official cigar of the White house under Nixon. Over many years the brand has survived civil wars and revolutions changes in tobacco opinion and has always come out on top.