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One billion US dollars in 100usd notes. One billion dollars would take 12 pallets

Scotch Whisky figures to amaze your drinking companions Part 1

Did you know? 

In 2022, the Scotch whisky industry, which includes making, selling, and distributing whisky, gave the UK economy a whopping boost of £7.1 billion. To put that into perspective, a big chunk of that—£5.3 billion—came from Scotland alone.

Imagine this: If you stacked 100 dollar bills to make up one billion dollars, you'd need a whopping 12 pallets just to hold all those bank notes! That's a lot of cash flowing through the industry. You'll need some 170 pallets to hold 7.1 billion pounds in £50 notes. 





Image credits: (Flickr, CT. Phography (Leeds)

*Figures provided by the Scotch Whisky Association. 

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