Located on the outskirts of the town of Girvan, this distillery overlooks Ailsa Craig and Kintyre. The distillery started operations in 2007 and was built by the William Grant & Sons group (owners of Glenfiddich and Balvenie distilleries). This distillery shares its location with the Girvan grain whisky distillery and has eight pot stills in different shapes and sizes.
Four different types of whisky are produced there: one is heavily peated, one estery, one fruity and one nutty. According to some sources the spirit produced at Ailsa Bay distillery is intended to replace Balvenie malt whisky on the Grant's blends. To achieve this, the shape of the stills at Ailsa Bay resemble the shape of the pot stills at Balvenie distillery.
The first whisky from this distillery was released in 2016.