Cohiba Siglo de Oro Box of 18 Cigars
The Cohiba Siglo de Oro is a distinguished addition from Habanos S.A. created to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year, continuing a captivating series that commenced with the unveiling of the Romeo y Julieta Maravillas No.8, which commemorated the Year of the Rat.
This remarkable Siglo de Oro offering introduces a novel size to the world of Habanos, measuring at 4 ½" (115mm) in length with a substantial 54-ring gauge, aptly named "Exitosos," translating to "successful" in English. A mere 18,888 meticulously crafted boxes of 18 cigars are available to mark the 2023/24 lunar calendar. Each box features a cutting-edge scannable chip discreetly embedded within the lid, providing instant authentication and access to valuable information.
Every single cigar is elegantly adorned with the iconic Cohiba band, boasting an additional one at the foot, signifying the Year of the Rabbit.
- Size: 4 1/2" (115mm)
- Ring Gauge: 54
- Vitola: Exitoso
- Strength: Medium
Cohiba cigars are among the newest Cuban Cigars. A brand the can be traced back to 1960. It was then that Fidel Castro's Body guard introduced the Leader of Cuba's Government to his own personal Cigars rolled by a friend Eduardo Ribera.
The name is ancient Taino Indian word for the bunches of tobacco leaves that Columbus first saw being smoked by the original inhabitants of Cuba. The leaves for Cohiba are the "selection of the selection"form the five finest plantations in the San Juan y Martinez and San Luis district of the Vuelta Abajo zone. Uniquely among Havanas three of Cohibas filler leaves, the seco, ligero and the rare medio tempo, undergo an extra fermentation in barrels which adds smoothness to the blend. Cohiba comprises of four different lines:
- La Line Classica - Lancero / Esplendido / Corona Especial / Panatela / Robusto / Exquizito / Piramides Extra /
- La Linea 1492 - Siglo I / Siglo II / Siglo III / Siglo IV / Siglo V / Siglo VI /
- La Linea Maduro - Genios / Magicos / Secretos /
- Linea Behike - BHK 52 / BHK 54 / BHK 56 /